Added new feature.
Added new feature.
Added new feature.
Fixed issue.
Fixed issue.
Fixed issue.
Added Clear Duplicate Assets Function (Main Menu > Developer > Purge Project Data > Clear All Duplicate Assets).
Fixed issue that left unneeded custom Bric data in html.
Fixed rare issue that caused projects to be reset when custom code is inserted into page via code widget.
Fixed issue that caused projects with embedded files to increase in size.
Added Blocs v4 upgrade buttons in main app prefs.
Fixed issue that caused layer tree to break when adding tweet button inside a list.
Updated the Bootstrap framework to version 4.5.3.
Prevent duplicate JS and CSS project resource links in exported code.
Fixed various visual issues with MacOS Big Sur.
Fixed issue that caused adding new menu link via Menu Manager to not have the same colour as the other links.
Fixed issues with video aspect ratio classes 4:3. 4:4 and 9:16.
Fixed issue that caused wrong hide context menu item to show when right clicking the sidebar inspector title.
Fixed issue with tooltips now showing on Rows and Columns.
Fixed issue with Add New Bric Sheet being transparent.
Fixed issue with sheet styling on MacOS 10.15.
Fixed issue that caused custom Bric inspector user interface text area content to be reduced to a single line when field is not active.
Fixed issue that allowed spaces to be added in the site address field.
Improved text styling selection control positioning.
Updated classes for Surreal CMS.
Added automated fall back on pre-loader to protect against 3rd party code errors.
Raised Menu Manager menu limit to 60.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to freeze when typing classes really fast into class input field.
Fixed issue that caused auto complete class list to go out of sync when an item is clicked.
Fixed issue with light and dark tile modes in Asset Manager when Blocs run in light mode.
Fixed issue that prevented adding Blocs when new Bloc has a mismatch global swatch value.
Fixed issue that caused layer tree to go out of sync when dragging a video onto a Bloc background when it has no video background assigned.
Fixed issue that caused contextual options to not display on audio, video, label, checkbox and radio Brics.
Fixed issue that caused custom Bric to have duplicate unique id references when a Bloc or container containing one is duplicated.
Updated Bootstrap Framework to 4.5.2.
Fixed issue that allowed contents of custom Brics to be selected under certain layouts.
Fixed issue that prevented custom Bric include files being removed from a page when the last instanced is deleted in a project with embedded assets.
Fixed issue that prevented custom Bric resources being removed from a page when the last instanced is deleted in a page.
Fixed issue with add resource API call on projects with embedded assets.
Fixed issue with Bric resources being left on pages when parent items containing Brics are deleted.
Fixed various issues causing missing custom Bric resources with moving custom Brics between global and dynamic areas of the page.
Fixed issue that prevented custom Bric resources added with resource API call from being added as project attachment when location in a Global Area.
Fixed issue that caused custom Brics to visually break if parent is deleted and then undo.
Fixed various issue with undo after deleting Custom Brics.
Fixed rare issue that caused global areas to disappear using undo.
Fixed issue that caused custom Bric template values to remain in a project after the Bric is deleted.
Fixed issue that created potential for custom Brics with template values to break on export.
Fixed issue when setting freehand class to none via sidebar which prevented applying new freehand class settings.
Fixed issue that prevented images added to classes from showing in Class Editor.
Fixed issue that caused preview in browser to break when latin characters used in page file names.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate custom Bric resources.
Fixed issue that prevented dragged in assets from sticking in project settings.
Fixed issue that caused page settings and code editor to crash when an unsupported typeface is set for the code editor in main app prefs.
Fixed issue that caused unwanted scroll areas when using scroll FX in specific scenarios.
Fixed issue that caused various sheets to have transparent backgrounds.
Fixed issue that caused page dropdown menu to go out of sync when duplicating a page with search query in page navigator.
Fixed issue that caused navigator to show blank when adding a new page after a search query with no results is entered and still present in navigator.
Fixed issue that caused modal active marker label to be card.
Fixed issue that caused pre-loader to show site for a split second before page is loaded.
Fixed issue that created un-required background classes when dragging images from Finder to design canvas.
Fixed positioning issues with text styling controls on design canvas.
Improved App Status Report Logging.
Fixed issue that prevented embedded project assets being added to Asset Manager groups.
Fixed issue that prevented removing assets from Asset Manager group.
Fixed issue that had potential to crash Blocs on MacOS Catalina.
Improved sticky nav feature, so it works better when there are Blocs above it.
Added context menu for div containers.
Updated loading sheet.
Fixed various issues with MacOS Big Sur.
Fixed issue that prevented main app window opening, when dragging a file to app dock icon.
Fixed issue that prevented re-ordering items inside October and Pulse CMS containers.
Fixed issue that caused unwanted empty area when deleting tags in label Brics.
Fixed issue that caused Asset Manager to keep opening on new project starts.
Fixed issue with save dialog not showing in preview mode.
Fixed issue that prevented main app window opening, when dragging a file to app dock icon.
Fixed various issues with dragging Bloc layers between global areas in the layer tree.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when dragging empty alerts and divs into themselves via the layer tree.
Fixed issue that caused image and icon ID to be wiped when setting their interaction to none.
Fixed issue that caused none-rendered code widget contents to have lazy load applied.
Fixed issue that caused Brics with certain classes to be mistaken as columns.
Fixed issue with 4:3 aspect ratio being the same as 4:4 when exported.
Fixed issue with global swatches showing wrong colours when a swatch is deleted.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when adding a new page when code editor is left open.
Fixed issue that caused preview mode to break when clean URL options are enabled.
Add System Status Report Log Generator. Main Menu > Help > Generate App Status Report
Added export helper for Volt CMS blog Bric.
Improved save file performance time.
Fixed some canvas ruler marker glitches.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when using close keyboard shortcut during save.
Fixed issue that prevented iframes working when exporting to October or Pulse CMS.
Fixed issue that caused rows to align side by side inside a full screen Bloc.
Fixed issue that caused items above links with stretched link class added to be un-selectable on the design canvas.
Fixed issue that allowed line breaks to be pasted into unsupported elements.
Fixed issue that caused line breaks in logos to cause layer tree to break.
Fixed issue that caused custom Bric section titles to be white when app is run in light mode.
Fixed rare issue that caused newly added image assets to show alternative asset thumb.
Fixed issue that prevented fully removing replaced embedded assets.
Fixed a random issue that caused Blocs to crash when saving to iCloud.
Fixed issue that prevented embedded assets reconnecting when assets have apostrophes in file name.
Fixed issue that caused layer tree to break when unsupported items are present.
Updated Bootstrap Framework to v4.5.0.
Updated jQuery to v3.5.1.
Added ability to cancel adding project attachments by dragging and dropping items on the Blocs design canvas.
Fixed various issues that caused tooltips to fail on some elements.
Fixed issue that prevented external drive missing assets from being successfully reconnected by the missing Asset Manager.
Fixed issue that prevented freehand controls showing after zooming design canvas.
Fixed issue that prevented logos from being reset to default when project has embedded assets.
Fixed issue that prevented the Bloc Bar height being initially set correctly when running Blocs in full screen mode.
Fixed issue that caused light box captions to break if they contain double quote characters.
Fixed issue with button breaking when label is set to include double quotation character.
Fixed issue with embedded asset mp3 and download interaction files using original paths instead of temp embed ones.
Fixed some issues with music player and download interactions not being fully flushed when linked asset is deleted from project.
Fixed issue that prevented setting icon when the icon has a tooltip.
Fixed issue that caused custom data attribute values applied to icons to be wiped when icon is changed.
Fixed issue that caused double alert when dragging large assets into Blocs.
Fixed issue that prevented embed assets in projects being refreshed when they are replaced.
Fixed various issues with replacing assets with the same name.
Fixed issue with replace assets warning showing when partial image name matches.
Fixed issue that prevented all project assets being fully removed from project using purge function.
Added project package complete notification.
Fixed issue with favicon not loading correctly.
Fixed issues that caused previously deleted assets to show up in the project settings.
Fixed issue that caused missing assets warning for built in assets when creating a project package.
Fixed save as issue that caused save sheet to constantly keep opening after save as is cancelled.
Fixed issue that prevented undo working when settings modal and download interaction values.
Fixed various issues that prevented unsaved changes being recognised.
Fixed issue that allowed pages to have empty names if escape key hit when name field is empty.
Fixed undo state when toggling div empty area.
Fixed undo state issue with carousel autoplay checkbox.
Fixed undo issue when clearing Bloc backgrounds.
Fixed undo issue with list data source when being set to none.
Fixed issue that caused multi res image selection not to create undo state.
Fixed undo issue when setting an audio players file.
Fixed issue that caused new projects to have same CMS settings as last opened project.
Fixed issue that caused the wrong group assets to show when a project is loaded.
Fixed issue that left a freehand classes in app when master element is deleted.
Fixed issue with adding custom Brics via drop mode.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when loading packaged projects and projects with broken asset paths.
Added support for adding Google fonts from the new variable string format.
Improved text formatting via touch bar.
Added better error handling when generating a package to a protected location.
Fixed issue that caused accordions, modals and tabbed area content to have the same ID's when added to page via drop mode in succession.
Fixed issue that caused padding and margin controls to show previous breakpoint value inside the Class Editor.
Fixed various issues with package feature.
Fixed issue that caused allow tag to be stripped from youtube video embeds.
Fixed various issues with layer tree not loading correctly.
Fixed various issues with global swatches.
ixed issue that prevented Hype preview Bric from working.
Fixed graphics glitch when resizing Swatch Manager window.
Fixed issue that caused double assets in Asset Manager when loading a package that contained assets stored on an external drive.
Fixed issue that caused some assets to not be correctly reconnected when loading a package.
Fixed issue that prevented freehand value showing when handle is clicked.
Fixed a range of issues that prevented the save function to recognise when a project has unsaved changes.
Fixed issue that caused active marker to be placed incorrectly when dragging layers in sidebar.
Added support for HTML widgets with disabled preview content in custom Blocs and page templates.
When enabling nofollow on a link it now adds additional security attributes (noopener noreferrer) as well.
Prevent the creation of none-valid data attribute keys.
Improved page re-name alert.
Fixed issue with swatch values changing.
Fixed issue with duplicated HTML Widgets not including correct content on export.
Fixed crash when cancelling custom pre-loader select.
Fixed issue that prevented additional resources being added to project for updated custom Brics.
Fixed various issue with the layer tree.
Fixed issue that prevented the server local URL showing sometimes when in preview mode.
Fixed issue that caused custom Brics (that use a page selector) to crash if original home page is deleted.
Fixed issue with code comments not showing in code zones when Blocs run in light mode.
Fixed issue that caused double replace duplicate asset alert.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate asset alert to be shown when dragging duplicate asset over main design canvas, but not dropping onto it.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate images in Asset Manager.
Fixed issue that caused unwanted Google font header links.
Fixed issue with tooltips not showing on header and label Brics.
Fixed issue that caused closing script tags to be missing on October CMS export.
Fixed issue that caused notifications to be cropped when sidebar is resized.
Fixed crash when cancelling custom pre-loader select.
Fixed issue that caused favicon icon with spaces in the file name to not be included in export if added via dragging to image well.
Fixed issue that prevented favicon image loading in site options if it is a hosted asset.
Fixed issue that caused hosted assets used for logo and favicon to be logged as missing.
iFrames are no longer rendered in app as they can cause app to crash.
Fixed issue that caused freehand to stop working if caps lock key is on.
Fixed issue that caused app to crash when entering preview mode after preview in browser used.
Fixed issue with page thumb refresh function that could cause app to crash during save.
Fixed issue that prevented page templates from being used.
Fixed issue that left previously opened page names in page selection dropdown.
Fixed issue that enabled edit original options to show on hosted images.
Fixed issue that prevented the currently edited swatch name from refreshing in sidebar.
Fixed issue that prevented dragging rows into div containers.
Fixed issue that caused all asset links to break if you embed them twice.
Fixed issue that caused packages to not load assets when loaded from external HD's.
Fixed issue that prevented dragging rows into div containers.
Added ability to delete first carousel slide
Fixed issue that caused slight cropping on system prefs.
Fixed issue that prevented favicon exporting on newly created projects.
Fixed issue that prevented exiting text edit mode when escape key is hit when editing button and link labels.
Fixed issue that prevented previewing pages with special characters in the file name.
Fixed issue that caused layer tree to break when removing a page link from primary via page settings.
Fixed issue that caused freehand controls to not show after undo is used.
Fixed issue that prevented multiple project attachments being removed.
Fixed issue that prevented multiple page attachments being removed.
Fixed issue that caused any directory dragged over the Blocs design window to be added as a project attachment, even if not dropped on app.
Fixed issue that caused image well click to add image text to show in background of svg images assigned to image wells.
Fixed issue that left page links in primary menu when page is deleted.
Fixed issue that caused packages to load assets from old locations if still accessible.
Fixed various issues with multi level navigations within sidebar and full screen menus.
Fixed various issues with visibility settings
Added support for dragging folders onto design canvas and adding them as project attachments.
Added additional checks to save functionality to increase stability and make more robust.
Added custom support for Hype Animation Sequences.
Added Hype projector dropdown item to Bric Builder.
Set Bloc and Bric Bar default row count to 3.
Added improved controls for managing updates for custom Brics within a project - New Custom Bric Update Manager.
Added support for context menu options on locked layers in layer tree. Apply colour to layer, expand contents.
Added ability to delete top and bottom fill screen Bloc content areas with delete keyboard shortcut.
Improved UX of installing a new Fonts. The new font is now auto selected and previewed in Font Manager.
Improved handling of scroll FX on vertical desktop monitors.
Added a default custom Bric layer tree icon to make them easier to find in tree.
Added embed assets default option for new projects into application prefs.
Fixed issue that prevented refresh asset working correctly if asset has been refreshed previously.
Fixed issue that caused hero Bloc contents to jump when sticky nav kicks in.
Fixed issue that caused pages to not export correctly and be replaced by other pages within a project.
Fixed issue that caused pages with .HTM to have wrong paths in sitemap.xml file, if clean URL structure is used.
Fixed issue that caused sitemaps to miss trailing / when site uses clean URL mode.
Fixed issue with layer tree that prevented sections loading when they contained links with br tags at the end of the link.
Fixed issue that caused unwanted white space in edit mode.
Fixed issue that caused some older custom Brics to not install correctly.
Fixed issued that caused Blocs to crash when saving and then previewing in browser really quickly.
Fixed issue that caused page settings to show wrong values when page navigator has search value.
Fixed issue that caused errors when asset paths have chevron characters in the path or file name.
Fixed issue with refreshed assets not showing in sidebar image thumbs.
Fixed issue that prevented switching logo style options.
Fixed issue that made selecting container layer in layer tree impossible.
Fixed various issues with column controls that allowed blank or values over 12.
Fixed issue that allowed project home page to be deleted if it has no content.
Fixed issue that enabled deleted page button in page settings for custom home page selection.
Fixed issue that caused pages with apostrophes in names to not be deleted.
Fixed issue that caused columns to break when set to inherit their width, under very specific circumstances.
Fixed various issues with duplicating switches.
Fixed issue with code editor not correctly storing data when preview code is disabled and code editor is open.
Fixed issue that caused exported screen shots to have the colour profile of the Mac they are created on. They are now set to sRGB by default.
Fixed issue that caused content that is set to hidden to show on screen shots and page thumbs.
Fixed issue that caused link labels to not update when edited via the sidebar input field.
Fixed issue that caused updates to not show in Extension Manager for some users.
Fixed issue with the Asset Manager 'show in finder' function displaying the wrong location for assets located on external drives.
Fixed issue that prevented scrolling to a Bloc when selected in layer tree when the scrollbars are forced on macOS.
Fixed issue that caused original item ID's to remain in layer tree when a parent container item is duplicated.
Fixed issue that caused duplicated layers in layer tree to become synced to originals.
Fixed issue that caused custom Bric slider label to change and show current value when interacted with.
Made RGBA colour values applied via classes and global swatches more accurate with double digit alpha values.
Fixed issue that could cause tab data to be lost when setting the number of tabs via the sidebar input field.
Fixed issue that caused tooltips set on custom Brics to not store changes.
Fixed issue that made the clear text button in project settings always show even when no custom value set.
Fixed issue that prevented setting columns to inherit on lower breakpoints after parent breakpoint is set to inherit.
Fixed issue that prevented embedding assets that are hosted on external drives.
Fixed issue that prevented save dialog showing when embed all assets function has been run and project then closed.
Fixed issue that caused embed all assets function to break when assets are hosted on an external HD.
Fixed issue that caused navigation list layout to break when visibility set to hidden.
Fixed issue with background clip box class editor value not loading if set to padding box.
Prevent class input field from automatically creating class tokens when the class field loses focus.
Added prefs option to disable Asset Manager auto scroll.
Added text cues to empty image wells.
Highlight currently selected font in dropdown menu list.
Added arrow key navigation support to font selection menu.
Fixed issue that caused classes to be automatically added after 1 letter is typed.
Fixed issue with class popup which prevented the view from scrolling down when using the up and down arrows.
Fixed issue that caused the page selection dropdown to go out of sync with active page selection.
Fixed issue that caused duplicated Blocs to be inserted into Bloc groups when duplicated to another page.
Fixed rare issue that caused pages to become duplicates of other pages.
Fixed various issues that prevented in app updates working - May require Brics to be re-installed.
Fixed issue that included images that are used in excluded pages in project exports.
Fixed issue caused by exclamation mark being used in page names.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash if you filter extensions in Extension Manager while update background process is running.
Fixed issue that caused the page selection dropdown to go out of sync with active page selection.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate page attachments when adding page templates that contain custom Brics.
Fixed issue that caused page attachments to be missing when a project is started from a page template that contains page attachments.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash if last active page no longer exists.
Fixed an issue that caused page dropdown to go out of sync with active page when entering a search value and then removing it in the navigator.
Fixed issue that cause app to crash when typing in search field on extension manager when checking for updates.
Fixed issue that caused preview to break if | character is used in page name.
Fixed issue that cleared source page Bloc ID's when a page is duplicated.
Fixed issue that caused duplicated page Bloc ID's to be cleared.
Fixed issue that prevented undoing deleting spans and links nested in text Brics.
Fixed issue that caused active object marker to not display correctly.
Fixed issue that caused broken layer tree when creating links in header text Brics that contain icons.
Fixed issue that prevented text options showing on header text Brics that contain icons.
Fixed issue that prevented replace all export modal showing if exporting while in preview mode.
Fixed issue that caused pages that are set to be excluded to be included in export location, if exporting is done while in preview mode.
Fixed issue that caused app to crash when duplicating pages in large projects.
Fixed issue that caused menu items that are not connected to a data feed to have their title values changed when values are changed in page settings.
Fixed issue that caused images from previous project to show in newly loaded project.
Fixed issue that caused undo to contain old undo states from previously loaded project.
Fixed issue that caused Extension Manager to hide multiple available update buttons after a single update has completed.
Added ability to lock horizontal canvas scroll (right click a Bloc or canvas).
Asset Manager now scrolls to the currently selected image when selected on the design canvas.
Added new feature.
Fixed issue that prevented the save prompt from showing when changing some project settings and closing app.
Fixed issue that caused pre Blocs 3.4 projects to crash the application when first loaded.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs canvas to be unresponsive when saving a project with Project Settings open.
Fixed issue with page navigator going out of sync when has search value and layer tree is activated.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on save if the Page navigator search bar has a value with no results.
Fixed issue that Blocked access to the scroll bar in the left sidebar.
Fixed issue that caused preview mode to break with older Blocs projects.
Norarized Blocs ready for Mac OS Catalina.
Added support for embedded project assets.
Added bulk asset embed option for older Blocs projects.
Added project packager.
Added ability to set the width of the left sidebar.
Updated and modernised Blocs file format (not backwards compatible).
Added support to quickly align text on all breakpoints.
Added support to quickly remove all text formatting.
Improved UX for Class Editor background image, now users Asset Manager - (drag Image to well in Class Editor).
Improved UX for Favicon and Logo image selection, now opens Asset Manager to select image.
Added delete button to Page Navigator pages.
Improved performance of adding new assets.
Added support for showing assets with long file names. Mouse over asset title within Asset Manager.
Added resize cursor when dragging preview resize handle.
When a page is selected via the dropdown page selector, the sidebar page navigator now scrolls to the new page selection automatically.
Empty image alt tags are now automatically populated upon export to help with SEO and to address WC3 validation errors.
Assets added via page templates and custom Blocs now show in the Asset Manager.
Added ability to reset favicon and logo in project options.
Added support to double click window frame to fill screen.
Installed custom Brics are now scanned for updates in the background, every day.
Extension manager Bric update check is now run on a background thread for better performance.
Added new contextual menu to Global swatches for quicker actions.
The Class Editor now resets its state when loading new classes or when reopening.
Improved dark mode segmented control UI on Mojave and Catalina.
Global swatch names are now displayed in the swatch color well.
Added multi-line labels for custom Brics - Bric Builder.
Added ability to duplicate UI items in the Bric Builder interface layer tree. Right click to access.
Add ability to duplicate custom Bric in Bric builder - Right Click.
Added Tooltips, animation and scrollFX support for custom Brics.
Added clear image button to Custom Bric Image Well.
Added support for short codes to be used in custom Bric template files.
Added new API call to hide custom Bric sidebar UI items.
Added numerical stepper fields for custom Brics - Bric Builder.
Added horizontal and vertical alignment control for custom Brics - Bric Builder.
Added text alignment controls for custom Brics - Bric Builder.
When adding a new UI item in the Bric builder it is now inserted directly below the currently selected one.
Removed redundant JS code that caused double animation in Safari - (no longer required).
Fixed issue that prevented the first Bloc in a project from being selected when a project is first opened and top global area is visible but contains no Blocs.
Fixed issue that left Bric ID of duplicated item on layer tree layer.
Fixed issue that prevented duplicated Bric from being selected on design canvas after being duplicated.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate Bric ID's on children within duplicated item.
Fixed startup glitch when new template started and no page templates stored.
Fixed export issue with hosted download interaction files.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate missing asset entires in Missing Asset Manager.
Fixed issue that prevented assets on external drives from being dragged from the Asset Manager to the Blocs Design Canvas.
Fixed issue that caused empty asset directories to be left in export.
Fixed issue with dragging favicon image from Asset Manager to project settings favicon slot.
Fixed issue that prevented adding SVG assets by dragging them from finder onto the Asset Manager.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate background classes when dragging core assets to bloc backgrounds.
Fixed issue that caused assets stored on external drives with special characters in the path name to not sure within the Asset Manager.
Fixed multiple issues with duplicating pages.
Fixed issue with new page sheet not showing sidebar options under specific conditions.
Fixed issue that caused missing logo and favicon warning if assets are set to core images and created on another Mac.
Fixed issue with duplicating Blocs on same page - Caused unwanted empty white space.
Fixed issue with colour picker eye dropper on MacOS Catalina.
Fixed issue that prevented asset loading in MacOS Catalina.
Fixed issue that caused custom class images to go missing when asset is embedded or loaded from external drive and class at that breakpoint is edited.
Fixed issue with pinch zooming the design canvas on trackpad.
Fixed issue that forced open windows to require additional clicks to interact with UI.
Fixed issue that caused app to randomly freeze when inputing text in text fields.
Fixed issue with scrollFX coming in from left when only fade out is used.
Fixed issue that showed wrong padding values for Blocs in design mode at the SM breakpoint.
Fixed issue that caused page selector dropdown settings button to have a background colour that is the wrong shade.
Fixed issue that caused project title text to be slightly cropped on start screen.
Fixed issue that showed sidebar delete trash button on elements that can not be deleted.
Fixed issue with global swatch settings for icons not displaying correctly in sidebar.
Fixed crash when changing custom Bric multi res images.
Fixed issue that cause embedded assets to be included in a package export.
Fixed issue that caused Custom Bric template files to not be included on every page when located in a global area.
Fixed issue that prevented custom bric attachments being moved to project attachments when dragged between global and dynamic zones.
Fixed issue that prevented a custom Bric Template value being used for multiple template files.
Fixed issue that prevented layer tree in Bric builder showing title changes.
Fixed issue with centering canvas when left sidebar is hidden.
Fixed issue that caused touchSwipe resources to be added to page when not required.
Fixed issue that caused text within spans to be un-selectable.
Fixed issue that prevented selecting the parent text Bric when a span is selected within that Bric and is being edited.
Fixed issue that causes classes with similar names to be lost when saving page templates and custom Blocs.
Fixed issue that caused breakpoints to break when scroll bars are forced at OS level.
Fixed issue that caused custom Bric dividers to be the wrong colour.
Added ability to set the cascading order for the classes per breakpoint.
Added support for ordered lists (numbered lists).
Added ability to exclude pages from export.
Added support for .htm page extensions.
Added data purge options (developer menu).
Added support to assign colors to layers in layer tree to help with organising projects.
Added new freehand user interface value marker.
Prevent utilities windows losing focus when mouse leaves them.
Added support for restoring last active page in a project when it is opened.
Revamped main application preferences.
Added code editor typography settings.
Added more error handling to catch potential save issues and prevent locked app when saving project fails.
Improved type ahead class popup UX. A selected class is now removed from list.
Added dark mode support for type ahead class popup and improved visual styling.
Added support for display swap for Google fonts for better SEO.
Added support for multiple (unlinked) navigation toggle menus (they can now be opened individually).
Added support cache bust support for page and project attachments, including custom Bric ones.
Added dark mode support to developer console window.
Made page attachments table bigger on page settings.
Fixed issue that prevented duplicating to new empty pages after project re-opened.
Fixed issue with duplicating Blocs in groups.
Fixed issue that caused undo state for each level when resizing columns.
Fixed issue with light mode app theme showing dark alert dialogs on MacOS Mojave.
Fixed issue that caused html widgets to be linked when a column or row is duplicated containing one.
Fixed issue that prevented applying colours to the navigation links via the sidebar options.
Fixed issue that caused empty areas to vanish when dragging a div into a div.
Fixed issue with app focus being set when mouse enters utility window.
Fixed visual glitch with class size guides.
Fixed issue that enabled horizontal scrolling in safari when a ScrollFX is applied to an element.
Fixed issue with Duplicating Accordions in various scenarios and them becoming linked.
Fixed issue which prevented the includes directory being generated on export for custom Bric template php files.
Fixed Pulse CMS issue that caused images and links to become broken when Pulse CMS is installed in a sub directory on the server.
Fixed in app preview issue that caused broken php pages when sites begin preview on a HTML page and then navigate to a PHP one.
Fixed issue with page settings name edits being pushed to data fed navigation menus causing unwanted dashes in page names. Page title edits are now pushed to navigation items.
Fixed issue that caused new pages to not be created when selecting the empty option.
Fixed issue that sometimes caused unwanted classes on text objects when exported during editing there content.
Fixed issue that allowed select template start screen to show when no templates are present.
Fixed issue that prevented hover and active states being correctly applied to classes that do not start with a dot.
Fixed issue with selection markers on dropdown list items.
Fixed issue that caused empty area add bric buttons on parent items that contain sub children with empty areas.
Fixed issue that caused sidebar options to be cropped when a lot of options are present.
Fixed issue with email addresses that have had obfuscation applied to them before deformed on export.
Fixed typo in subclass menu.
Fixed issue that prevented Google fonts being installed due to recent changes with Google font header link generation URL.
fixed issue with adding menu manager item names with apostrophe.
Added support for light mode code input areas.
Prevent Pulse and October CMS wrapper on columns as it breaks layout.
Add support for images, videos (mp4) and audio (mp3) as custom Bric include files.
Added layer tree group symbol.
Improved active marker for Bloc Groups.
Fixed issue that caused extra unwanted line break when hitting return inside a text Bric.
Fixed issue that caused -> php code to be replaced.
Fixed issue with duplicating Bloc groups that caused linked Blocs.
Fixed issue with the initial start state of a document showing wrong values in inspector if first object in tree is a Bloc group.
Fixed issue with dividers that caused missing layer tree items.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when editing project settings in blank/empty projects.
Fixed various visual issues with recent files list.
Added In-app Update support for Custom Brics - Opening the Extension Manager now automatically scans for updates.
Added distribute Bloc button to Bloc Editor.
Updated logo type segmented control icon for image and text to show correct layout order.
Moved JS resources from header to just before closing body tag to help with page load speed and SEO.
Made some minor optimisations to blocs.js.
Added support for custom Brics to be correctly set up when added to a project via a custom Bloc or Page Templates.
Improved accordion count setting input field UX. Now requires return to be hit to set.
Added export option for replacing older exported versions, you now have a option of updating everything or only files that have changed.
Allow selection of locked navigation links.
Enabled hardened runtime for added security (background macOS stuff).
Bric custom styling is now refreshed in the design environment when a Bric is reset.
Added auto fix function for layers with missing required classes.
Prevent removing key required classes from objects.
Fixed issue with file creation date being set the same as modify date.
Fixed issue that caused text to be un-editable via a second click when nested within a carousel.
Fixed issue that prevented bric builder saving data if no upgrade URL is specified.
Fixed issue with -> used in custom bric php snippets.
Fixed issue that caused input field required message field to not reset on email field when disabled.
Fixed issue that caused center aligned modal buttons to align left on export.
Fixed issue with Blocs not appearing in layer tree with right aligned logo images.
Fixed issue with Bric bar search crashing Bric sidebar when no results are found.
Fixed issue that caused Bric Bar and Bric Sidebar to become blank when using the clear search button.
Fixed issue with inline images used in custom Bric css.
Fixed issue that left page navigator search query in field when a new project is loaded.
Fixed issue that caused tree to go out of sync if last column or row is deleted.
Fixed issue that enabled dragging objects to be initiated outside of the selected element.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when storing page templates and custom Blocs that have resources that contain [ characters in file names.
Fixed issue that caused duplicate instances of additional JS and CSS files to be added to a page on export.
Fixed issue with project attachments not being connected on Pulse CMS and October CMS exports.
Fixed issue that prevented custom Bric includes being refreshed when a Bric is reset.
Fixed issue with ' characters breaking custom bric core styling showing in app.
Fixed issue with deleting last custom Bric and its resources being left in place on a site.
Fixed numerous issues with Bric resources becoming missing when moving custom Brics between page zones (global and dynamic).
Fixed issue with custom Bric resources not being copied to new page when Bloc is duplicated to another page.
Fixed issue with layer tree breaking when links contain line breaks.
Fixed issue with custom attributes not supporting ' character.
Fixed issue with refreshing assets via Asset Manager when assets are stored on external drives.
Fixed issue with sidebar not selecting other Brics other than first Bric.
Fixed issue with scroll to menu not showing all Blocs on a page when another page is set as the home page.
Fixed issue with visibility controls only effecting checkbox and radio UI element and leaving label visible.
Fixed issue with layer tree horizontal scroll bar not showing when scroll bars are forced via OS prefs.
Fixed issue that prevented removing groups from Asset Manager.
Fixed issue with column resize markers getting stuck on screen.
Fixed issue that could cause Asset manager to become blank.
Added vh (Viewport Height) vw (Viewport Width) measurement support to Class Editor.
Added character count to SEO title field in project settings.
Updated edge to edge carousel Bloc to use new required row settings.
Pressing the escape key exits text editing mode (do this to show freehand margin controls after editing text).
Auto exit text edit mode when resizing a text element.
Added class helper link button to HTML input area on Bric Builder.
Improved custom Bric installation method. Now checks version and offers to replace older versions.
Integrate store entry points into main app.
Fixed issue with hidden content being shown when editing a custom Brics values.
Fixed issue that caused freehand mode to lock and become unresponsive.
Fixed issue that caused Bric html to break in Bric Builder if value attribute contains a right chevron.
Fixed issue that left missing Bric window open when main window is closed.
Fixed issue that caused Bric sidebar to display grid uneven when scroll bars are forced.
Fixed issue that caused Bric html to break in Bric Builder if value attribute contains a right chevron.
Fixed various issues with Parallax BG not showing on smaller laptop screens.
Fixed issue with Bric Builder showing wrong icon in layer tree.
Fixed issue with exporting Pulse CMS when using advanced export.
Fixed issue with Pulse CMS theme not working when opengraph directory is missing.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs form validation to effect 3rd party forms added to page.
Fixed issue that caused all page template code to be checked for potential migration to Bootstrap 4 when not required.
Fixed issue with BS4 migration function that edited content within HTML widgets.
Fixed various form issues.
Fixed issue that caused menu selections in Menu Manager to always show as being the first menu in the list.
Added missing Bric window.
Improved row and column width control handle placement on edge to edge designs.
Fixed various missing section issues with the layer tree.
Fixed issue that caused build in pre-loader option preview to be blank when loading a project.
Fixed typo in Bloc menu.
Fixed issue that caused sidebar options to not be reset when a custom Bric is reset via the context menu option.
Fixed issue that caused custom Bric buttons to be converted to links on export.
Fixed undo issue with freehand text size controls.
Fixed issue with clean URL export and light box videos.
Prevent flashing guides caused by freehand mode (shift down) when editing text.
Fixed issue that caused empty first line on page source code.
Fixed issue that prevented initial custom Bric template values being set.
Added support for modals.
Added categories to Bric Bar and Bric Sidebar.
Added Canvas Text Size Freehand Controls.
Added ability to set active page class on links that match current URL.
Added ability to hide sidebars.
Added ability to name Global Swatches.
Added layer tree context menu items that enable Expand/Collapse contents of a layer.
Added Expand all / Collapse all layer tree controls.
Added Solo Mode layer tree option.
When deleting a page, its entry in Menu Manager and navigation is now removed.
Added refresh button for Menu Manager data fed list items.
Added export settings to project settings.
Improved subclass library menu.
Added new developer API classes.
Include UI title label data in Bric Builder layer tree.
Added Custom Bric category selector in Bric Builder.
Fixed issue that allowed page scroll when modal is open.
Fixed issue that made selecting nested span tags impossible.
Fixed issue with terms window on MacOS Sierra.
Fixed issue with main prefs styling on Mojave when OS is dark mode and app is light mode.
Fixed various issues that caused missing sections in layer tree.
Fixed issue that broke form redirects if target page had a php suffix.
Fixed various issues with forms settings not refreshing in preview mode.
Fixed issue that caused broken link if success link for form is set to home page.
Fixed light box interactions with clean URLs.
Fixed issue that caused project settings icon to become unselected when clicking currently selected item.
Fixed issue more issues with layer tree and formatted text.
Fixed issue that caused local fonts with spaces in the name to break on export.
Fixed issue with form JS required files being added to page header when exported if a form exists in a code widget our custom Bric.
Fixed missing trailing slash on clean url page links.
Fixed issue that prevented Core Assets being permanently deleted.
Prevent changes to page name settings effecting links to page that have custom titles.
Fixed view subclass resources help button on Class Manager.
Fixed issue with Bric Builder assigned artwork sizes being too big when assigned on a retina screen Mac.
Fixed issue with pre-loader classes being included in style sheet when its switched off.
Fixed issue that caused assets stored on external drives to remain in a project when deleted.
Fixed issue with removing assets that are assigned in project settings remaining in project.
Fixed issue that caused audio players using hosted mp3 files to break on export.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash on export if an audio player has no value set.
Fixed issue that prevented reseting logo image on design canvas when current logo is deleted from project settings.
Fixed issue with active marker displaying in the wrong position.
Fixed issue that caused navigation Bric to not show in Bric library.
Fixed issue with preview style dropdown not being populated correctly in Bric Builder.
Fixed issue with drop downs in navigation not showing in layer tree.
Fixed issue with installing Page Template .bex files.
Duplicating pages now retains keywords and description meta data as well as all data added to page code areas.
Added support for site language (project setting) in Pulse CMS 5 and October CMS exports.
Made gradient controls more intuitive. Apply gradient when option is initially enabled in class editor.
Fixed issue with adding new Bloc causing Bloc below losing ID.
Fixed issue that caused cache busting export option to break October CMS theme JS+CSS.
Fixed issue that caused double canvas scroll bars when scroll bars forced in system prefs.
Fixed issue with Pulse CMS 5 exports not including the page description tag.
Added support for Page Selector UI Component in Bric Builder.
Added Page Selector example Bric.
Added support for dark mode on Blocs About Window.
Added context menu support for custom Brics.
Added reset custom Bric options contextual menu item.
Added support for Pulse CMS 5 inline editing features.
Added Pulse CMS 5 admin toolbar support.
Set Default Max Width to 1140px (default for Bootstrap 4).
Fixed issue that caused class to break when using text copy as part of class.
Fixed issue that caused video 4:3 setting to break video Bric.
Fixed up file links on start screen in light mode on MacOS Mojave.
Fixed issue with prefs window in dark mode on MacOS Mojave.
Fixed custom class contextual menu.
Fixed issue that caused interaction page selector to not auto refresh with new page name when it is changed between object selections.
Fixed issue that showed empty content areas in exported screen shots.
Fixed issue that prevented template API calls refreshing in in-app preview.
Fixed issue that caused php strings to become escaped.
Fixed issue that caused lazy load to create missing asset errors on Pulse CMS 5 templates.
Updated Bootstrap Framework to 4.2.1.
Added support for user interface switches.
Added support for clean Page URL export structure.
Added new global code areas.
Added Full Screen Bloc Bar option (main prefs or Bloc bar row options menu).
Added support to change page header attachment order.
Added support for local network device previewing.
Added support to copy and paste custom data attributes between items.
Various improvements to the Icon Manager and its UX.
New page global extension settings.
Sidebar options can now be used to set the logo size per breakpoint.
Made resize column handles more accurate.
Dragging page attachments onto page settings table now respects insertion position.
Added placeholders on store custom Bloc input fields.
Touch support for carousel now uses bootstrap 4 functionality.
Added support to scroll Layer tree horizontally.
Don't show page templates when starting a new project when no page templates stored.
Added typeface selection dropdown UI element to developer API.
The function value attribute is now passed in with all functions e.g myfunction(value) can now be myfunction(value,attr) in your JS functionality.
Added new templating API functionality that allows variables from custom Brics to be written in template files such as additional CSS,JS,JSON and PHP.
Added new custom bric developer example for typography and template calls.
Replaced Feature 2 column (no padding) Blocs, with better versions.
Auto select first available menu when setting a link to a dropdown via the Menu Manager.
Improved the visual layout of classes written into the breakpoint @media wrappers.
Refined visual styling of object selection marker.
Fixed issue that caused layer tree to break when a label has a carriage return in it.
Fixed issue that caused Pulse CMS pages to break when exported using HTML minify options.
Fixed issue that caused page description to not show on pulse CMS 5 template pages.
Fixed issue that caused bloc group ID attribute to be removed when exported.
Fixed issue that caused toggling bloc group containers visibility to break.
Fixed issue with duplicating input fields and checkboxes that caused them to have duplicated ID's.
Fixed issue that caused duplicated HTML widgets with hidden contents to export wrong data.
Fixed issue that prevented editing the alt tag on carousel slides.
Fixed issue that caused text sidebar fields to be troublesome when entering REM values with decimal point.
Fixed issue that prevented setting video poster image by dragging image to well.
Fixed layer tree issue that caused app to crash when dragging unselected child layers when parent is selected.
Fixed issue that caused text to become part of icon when editing header with icon.
Fixed issue that caused unwanted padding on Blocs with no padding set.
Fixed issue with terms window being unreadable when run in dark mode on MacOS Mojave.
Fixed issue that caused hover marker to be misaligned if a full screen Bloc is selected and cursor is placed over another non full screen Bloc item.
Fixed issue that prevented tabbed area content count being set by sidebar list count input field.
Fixed issue that caused blocs to mis align when applying custom visibility settings to bloc groups.
Fixed issue that caused rows to become misaligned when a full screen bloc contains custom visibility values.
Added ability to replace assets that are already in project assets when asset with name already exists (no more renaming - just replace).
Added the add Bric button to the inside of the carousel caption area when its empty.
Fixed issue that caused drag and drop markers to be misaligned within a carousel caption area.
Fixed issue with start window not displaying correctly when no project files are present.
Fixed issue that caused code widget to break when duplicated (if not set to preview in app).
Fixed issue that caused code widget to break when duplicating a page (if code widget not set to preview in app).
Fixed typo in layer tree label HTML widget > Code widget.
Fixed typo of caption area selection marker Div > Caption area.
Added alignment controls for audio player.
Fixed issue that caused svg logo to remain and overlap logo image when thumb clear button used to clear logo selection.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs with no padding to be placed off center in app.
Fixed issue that caused re-named Asset Manager groups to break and not show correct content.
Fixed issue that caused video background YouTube settings to be mutated after export (?autoplay=1&mute=1&controls=0).
Fixed issue that caused preview to not function correctly if special characters are used within the target page name e.g. ä,ü.
Fixed issue that caused buttons to become full width when visibility options are applied to them.
Fixed issue that caused visibility classes to break when minify HTML export options is used.
Fixed issue that prevented save alert showing after renaming an asset group and then closing window.
Fixed issue that prevented save alert showing after adding assets to a group and then closing window.
Fixed issue that prevented save alert showing after creating a group and then closing window.
Fixed issue that prevented save alert showing after removing an asset from a group and then closing window.
Added new static preview mode - For those with problems running a local host preview (Set preview type in prefs).
Rounded corners on light box controls to match the rest of Bootstrap 4.
Fixed export menu icons on dark mode MacOS 10.14.
Fixed sidebar tab icons showing broken highlighted state when clicking them while Blocs is not the primary active application.
Fixed export issue with Pulse CMS.
Fixed scroll FX on pulse CMS export.
Fixed issue that caused Pulse CMS admin to crash.
Fixed issue that caused wrong page to be initially selected in navigator and page dropdown when custom home page is set.
Fixed unwanted space created with dividers in Blocs with no padding.
Fixed unwanted space in empty Blocs with no padding.
Fixed issue with dropdown links within navigation being forced white when dark nav bar theme is used.
Fixed light box issue that caused caption to show on lightbox element that has no caption.
Fixed light box issue that prevented caption showing when launching a light box from an image without a caption then moving to an image with a caption.
Added "show in finder" contextual menu option for start window recent file list (right click recent file entry).
Start window recent project list now refreshes while app is running. Last opened project will go top of list when returning to start window.
Fixed issue that caused font selection dropdown to auto close on MacOS 10.11 when using a trackpad.
Fixed issue that caused visibility options to show wrong values when 3 breakpoints in a row are hidden.
Fixed various issues with the visibility options UX.
Fixed cache busting issue and form handler JS - (Caused forms to navigate to unknown URL when posted).
Fixed issue that caused the styling on special navigations with drop downs to have broken styling and functionality.
Fixed issue when setting an interaction to none the interaction sidebar options do not refresh.
Fixed issue that caused horizontal scrollable blank space when scrollFX are used on a page.
Fixed issue with animation being set to none, not refreshing correctly on in app preview.
Fixed issue that caused page to be duplicated when creating a new page and first switching to duplicate and then back to use a blank template.
Fixed issue that prevented layer tree rendering correctly when returns are included in text style areas.
Fixed issue that prevented Blocs with accordions that have no text in title link from showing in layer tree.
Fixed typo in generated accordion ID.
Fixed issue that prevented cards within cards being selected.
Fixed Bloc Bar selection dropdown on MacOS 10.11.
Fixed Bloc builder save button label not showing on 10.14.
Fixed issue that wiped a text Brics ID when its level is changed.
Fixed issue that prevented layer tree updating when a text Brics level is changed.
Fixed issue that caused global areas to show on page thumbnails when they are disabled.
Fixed issue that caused Blocs to crash when migrating older Blocs 2 projects.
Added cache busting (can be switched off with export prefs).
Fixed various in app links to knowledge base posts that have a new URL.
Fixed old API docs link in Bric Builder.
Fixed issue that allowed clicks on the shortcut window to pass through onto the design canvas.
Fixed internal crash issue that was caused by Bloc bar.
Fixed issue that prevented the Bloc and Bric bars overlapping the additional control windows (Asset Manager, Swatch Manager etc).
Fixed issue that prevented the save alert showing when removing or adding assets and then closing a project.
Remove redundant sub classes from sub class library.
Fixed issue that caused screen to flash when a scroll to link is clicked.
Fixed issue that caused preview and export to crash if audio players are used within the HTML widgets.
There are no new patches or updates at this time.